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Thank you! We’ll be in touch.

Official Wicked Axe Logo
Small Axe of Kindness at Wicked Axe

How do we change the world? One small act of kindness at a time. At Wicked Axe, we believe that love and kindness are never wasted. To make the world a better place for everyone, we all need to play our part whatever way we can. There are so many charities and organizations that are doing incredible work out there, and so many causes that strike a cord with us. We recognize that our contributions – big or small – help to make a real difference. Wicked Axe hopes to make a tangible impact.

If you’re looking for a charitable contribution from Wicked Axe, please fill out the donation request form above. We will review your request and contact you. If you’re looking to host a fundraiser or charity event with Wicked Axe, please email us here to discuss our available options.



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